Outback Steakhouse – Lee’s Summit, MO

I don’t usually think that a blog about a restaurant is exciting so I tend to just do a review and move on, but I think tonight’s outing calls for a little more than a basic review.

Dinner tonight was a long time coming. My mom and I were out running errands all over the Kansas City Metro area. We started out in Leawood / Overland Park and ended up in Lee’s Summit by way of Independence. For those not from KC, it equals one end the metro area to the other.

We had just left Raytown Wal-Mart and I had suggested going to dinner before we ran to the barn so I could feed the horses. Mom suggested going to the barn first so that I wouldn’t have to feed them in the dark. I felt bad because it would mean we would be eating even later, but she said that was fine.

We left the barn with a destination of Monetti’s in Lee’s Summit in mind. Outback had entered my mind (in Independence) but I wanted to do a local restaurant. Imagine my surprise to find it was closed and a German restaurant was coming soon. As we passed the Outback to get to Monetti’s, I commented to my mom that I had forgotten about that location but I wasn’t sure why when I always think it’s the best one in the KC area every time I eat there. She asked if it was because the food was better and I said, “No, the food at most Outbacks are about the same but there is something about the service at that one….it’s better…even though most Outbacks have good service”. We left it at that and continued down the road to Monetti’s.

After finding it closed, I said, I’m too hungry to find another local restaurant and we headed to Outback.

I have to say that I am VERY happy that we ended up there tonight. It started with a very friendly waitress named Jamie. My mom saw that the tilapia came with a lump of lobster or crab (I can’t remember) but she doesn’t like that, so she was going with the Mahi even though she had never had it before. While I am all for her trying something new, I know my mom. She will NOT send something back, even if she does not like it or if it is prepared wrong. I knew she was hungry, so I wanted her to get something she would enjoy. Jamie was great and understood the problem and came up with a solution for my mom. She was able to key the Tilapia in without the additional items so mom would like her meal.

As we were waiting for our soup / salad, I checked my emails and realized I had received a coupon for a free dessert from Outback for my birthday. Even better!

Our entrees came out and they both looked great. As I do not eat anything from the water, it’s sometimes difficult for me to comment on any fish or seafood meal, but I have to say mom’s tilapia looked picture perfect. As I went to fold the butter and cheese into my mashed potatoes I noticed it didn’t melt right away. I wasn’t concerned until I went to take a bite. They weren’t cold, but just a little cool. I cut into my steak, ordered medium rare, and took a bite. It too was a little cool. Not cold. Just slightly cool. Not the standard I’m used to from Outback but I decided to eat it rather than send it back and have it cooked more. Jamie came out and I inquired if my meal had sat out a little waiting for the tilapia. She said it hadn’t. She offered to get me some new potatoes but I told her it was ok. I am not shy to send something back if it isn’t right. I chose not to send this back because it was prepared so well, just cool.

A few minutes later, John, the manager came out and inquired about our meals. I said they were fine but he asked me again so I repeated my story. He again offered to fix it. I appreciated his concern but said they were fine. He then offered us a dessert on him. I smiled and explained the email for the free dessert. He said to save the email for another visit and let him take care of the dessert. I thanked him and he left.

A few minutes later, Jamie came out with some fresh, hot, potatoes for me. I was surprised and thanked her. Surprisingly, they were not OVERHEATED. They were perfect.

We ordered our dessert (the sampler) which was great as well.

While I was waiting for the dessert, I started this post. I wanted to make sure to recognize the outstanding service provided to us tonight. So often, we are quick to point out negative and not always highlight the positive.

As we left, I commented to my mom that the service we received was the example of why I say that location is one of my favorite locations. As we discussed it a little more; it hit me. It’s not just the service they provide there, it’s the Sincerity in their service.

Thank you Outback for allowing your associates the ability to handle all situations, not just the complaints and thank you to Jaime and John for your outstanding attention to excellence.