Revitalash Advanced Eyelash Conditioner; my review – HaliPawz

I recently had the opportunity to review the Revitalash Advanced Eyelash Conditioner.  I had tried the Latisse in the past and was curious about how Revitalash compared to it and did it really work.

Revitalash Advanced Eyelash Conditioner tube

Let’s start with what Revitalash really is.  Revitalash Advanced Eyelash Conditioner is just what it says it is.  It is an eyelash CONDITIONER.  The company claims, by using it daily, you will have healthier-looking, luxurious lashes as a result.  It was formulated and designed specifically for healthier looking lashes.  It was designed to enhance NATURAL beauty.

Latisse is only available through a prescription.  It is for people who grow inadequate eyelashes or not enough eyelashes.  It helps to grow more hair in the area it is applied.  It was discovered purely by accident.

Back in 2001, Allergan developed a medicated eye drop used to treat ocular hypertension. In addition to successfully lowering eye pressure (the only treatable risk factor for glaucoma), many patients using this medication experienced a side effect — they began to grow longer, fuller and darker lashes.

Latisse is FDA approved, but it has some complications associated with it as well.  Even on their website they warn you about the following

May cause brown darkening of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent. LATISSE® may cause eyelid skin darkening which may be reversible. Only apply at base of upper lashes. DO NOT APPLY to lower lid. Hair may grow outside the treatment area. If you have eye problems/surgery, consult your doctor. Common side effects include itchy and red eyes. If discontinued, lashes gradually return to previous appearance.

Even with those warnings, I have to admit, I wanted to try Latiss so I had a doctor I worked with at the time write me a prescription for it.  The pharmacy at Sam’s Club had the best price on it, and I took it home to try it. The instructions where a little complicated.  You had to use a new applicator each time for each eye.  I started out doing it correctly and lasted about 2 – 3 weeks, but then I would forget, or I wouldn’t have the time.  Eventually, I just stopped doing it all together.  I did not have any of the side effects mentioned, I applied it correctly, it just became too much of a pain just to have nicer, longer, eyelashes.

Fast forward to recently when I had an opportunity to try Revitalash.  My first thought was, NO THANK YOU!  Been there, done that!  The person I was talking to stopped me.  He listed to me complain about Latisse and promised me this would be so much easier.  He said I would love it.  I reluctantly agreed to try it but in my mind I thought….this is going to be a waste.  FULL DISCLOSURE…..I was given the sample for FREE.  Now he knew I was already going to be against it and didn’t have high hopes, but I want to make sure it is documented I did not pay for the sample.  While I was waiting for the sample to arrive I googled some before and after pictures.  I tend to not believe before and after pictures all the time because I believe they can be photo-shopped too easily.  The pictures always seem to be on perfect faces!  My face isn’t perfect.  I’m overweight, I’m blotchy at times without makeup.  I knew without a doubt I would take REAL pictures to show the difference if there were any.

Revitalash Advanced Eyelash Conditioner Application Directions

When the product arrived, I read the instructions.  Seem’s pretty simple.  Of course, when I was starting out, I was so careful.  I would use some OCuSoft Plus Lid Scrubs to clean both eyes, wait for that to dry, and then apply the Revitalash.  I set an alarm on my phone to go off at 10pm each night, so I wouldn’t forget to do it.  As time went on, I realized I was making it too hard for myself.  Now I have the tube in my toothbrush holder.  I step out of the shower, I apply the Revitalash, then brush my teeth.  The lashes are dry by the time I’m finished and I can apply my makeup as usual.  It takes maybe 20-30 seconds to apply it the way I’m doing now, so much easier then when I was doing the Latisse.

When I started, my eyelashes were ok. They weren’t horribly short, but I think every female wants longer, fuller lashes.  If I can get longer, fuller lashes without dealing with fake eyelashes, I would be happy!

Eyelashes at the beginning before using Revitalash. February 2016

Over the months of using the product, I went out of town a few times and was pleased with how easy the Revitalash travels.  I just threw it in my makeup bag and kept the same routine, hop out of the shower, apply the conditioner to my lashes, then brush my teeth.  I always kept it close to my toothbrush, even while traveling.  There was a small time, around June where I didn’t do the Revitalash for about 3 weeks.  It was right before I switched to putting it by my toothbrush, I would just keep forgetting to use it.

Here are some pictures over the months…..As you can see from the splotchy makeup here and there and the mascara remnants, I did not use any filters on the pictures or touch them up in any way unless I indicated as such in the picture.Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 993

Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 0990Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 0998


Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 1327

March 31, 2016

March 31, 2016

Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 1303

Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 4333

Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 4335

July 28, 2016

Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 4362Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 4320


July 28, 2016 with mascara

July 28, 2016 with mascara

July 28, 2016 without Mascara



October 11, 2016

October 11, 2016

Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 5080Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 5064

Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditionerEyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 5067img_5125


Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 5007

There was a filter used on this picture

Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 5113Eyelashes after using Revitalash Advanced eyelash conditioner 5118

In every picture where you see the words “with mascara” I was careful to use the same type of mascara so the pictures would reflect true changes.  I used:


.  They have a different brush for the lower lashes and the upper lashes.  I am not the neatest when it comes to applying make-up, as you can see from the pictures.  I get the mascara blotchy at times, but I do try to be careful.  I found this mascara to be easy to use and had a nice effect when I used it.


Overall, I have to say I have been very happy with the Revitalash Advanced Eyelash conditioner.  I believe it does make my eyelashes longer, fuller, and I have noticed I don’t have as many falling out.  They feel great.  They seem to hold the mascara better when I do use it.  If you want longer, healthier, fuller eyelashes, available WITHOUT a prescription and without any of the negative side effects, I would recommend trying this.

If you do try it, let me know what you think about it!

Dream about death leaves me thinking about life – HaliPawz

I don’t always understand my dreams. This morning, I woke up after having a dream about four people who we are thinking about dying. Well, actually three of them were thinking about it, one was already on life-support. One of them, a younger person, was terminally ill. To break it down; Two adult males, that were of older parental age (40-50), one person, female, on life-support, and then a young girl about mid to late 20s who was terminally ill. 

They were all somehow related, but I could not quite remember, or figure out, how the relationships all worked out. I do know, however, that they had decided to all pass away at the same time. It was in such a bizarre way though, the one who was on life-support was going to remain on life-support and they had a note asking whom ever walked in on them to stop her life-support after they were all gone. The other three had decided to lay in shallow pools of ice slowly bringing their core body temperature down until they grew weary and eventually pass away. 

The three all had a normal conversations, talking about other family members, and did not seem to be freezing as they all laid in the ice. As the talking slowly drifted away, and they began to think about their own lives, my dream began focusing on just one of the men. My dream showed him starting to think about some things he didn’t get finished, about someone else in his life he hadn’t seen in a while, and even about one of his pets. As his thoughts continued about all the good things, the happy things, in his life, he realized, he wasn’t ready to die. As he felt his eyelids getting heavy, he said out loud,  “I’m not ready to do this”, and he stood up.  

The other adult male glanced over at him, and asked “why”?  “I don’t know” said the man, it’s just not time. The other man stood as well and decided perhaps he to rethink the decision and reasons.  I know more happened before he rethought it, I just don’t remember the details.  

They glanced over at the terminally ill young lady, realizing she had not said anything throughout their exchange. She had, indeed, already passed away.  The woman on life-support had also quietly passed away. While the men were sad at their passing, they also knew it was the right time for them. 

I woke up completely confused; confused about why I had a dream about death, why I had dreamt about suicide, because that is indeed what it was, and why there were four people in my dream I did not know at all. It started making me think, that because they had chosen something that was so slow and within their control somewhat, is this the message I was supposed to share. If more people who were contemplating suicide had the time to reflect on the good things in their lives, on the things not yet completed, and on the thing that made them happy, would they second-guess their decision? 

Too many times in our society, especially with social media today, we are used to knee-jerk decisions and reactions. I think it is time for us to understand how important it is to not do a knee-jerk reaction, or make a knee-jerk decision. Take time to think about the consequences of your actions and your words before you do or say them.  

Sadly, when someone chooses to take their own lives with suicide, they don’t have the time to reflect, to reconsider their actions. I am not a trained professional, I do not claim to have all of the answers… So if anyone is reading this, and they are considering suicide, please think about reaching out to those who love you, or reaching out for professional help. Think about all of the things that make you happy, the moments in your life where you smiled or laughed, focus on those times until you can have a conversation with someone who can truly help you. 

As I said at the beginning, I don’t always understand my dreams, but this one seemed important enough to share. I can only hope, that if it even helps one person, then there was a reason for the dream and the push to share it. 

I wish everyone reading this many wonderful years of happiness and laughter.  Reach out to those in your lives you love.  Let them know you are there for them.